How to write a Resignation letter with sample

Are you decided to leave your job? If you decided to move on then you should write an application to your manager. If you don’t know how to write a resignation letter then follow this article to the end. Here we share a simple format with a sample.

A resignation letter is an essential document that proves, you are leaving your job or resigning your job. It is a formality to write an application to resign from your job. It can be written as an email message or a printed letter. So don’t worry and go forward.

How to write a Resignation letter

how to write a resignation letter

A resignation letter is a formal letter. You should learn first how to write a formal letter. There are some rules that you must maintain while you writing this type of letter. If you are going to write a resignation letter then you should maintain the writing formality. You must write the perfect reason for leaving, the last date and your contact information.

What to Include and not Include in a Resignation letter

As we have said before you must maintain some rules to write a formal letter. So take a look at some rules given below.

  • Reason for Resign: You have given a proper reason in the letter that must be meaningful. Keep in mind that, your letter must start with the reason for resining.
  • The date of Resining: This letter not only describes your intent to leave the job. You must provide the last day of your work and other details also.
  • A respectful closing: this is one of the most important parts of this letter. You must respect your company because it gives you the knowledge, experience, and provide you with encouragement that helped you to grow up.
  • Your Contact Information: You must include your personal details with your personal contact information. So it can be easy for your company to get in touch with you.

A resignation letter is not a place for fun or give complaints for employers. So please don’t include that type of word which can disturb your letter’s meaning.

Format 1:



The Manager

Subject: Application for Resign

Dear Sir/Maam,

With due respect, I beg to state that I am (your name) working in your company as a ( your work position). I would like to notify you that I want to resign from your company on 10/12/2020 for some personal issue.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you in your company and the professional development that you have provided me in the last three years. I really enjoyed my work for the organization and appreciate your support during my tenure with the company. And also grateful for the encouragement you have given me.

I, therefore, pray you to consider the above mentioned case. I hope to keep in touch in the future and wish you all the best.

Yours Sincerely,
(Your Name)

Write a letter for an Experience Certificate [ Format and Sample]

Format 2:



The Manager

Subject: Application for Resign

Dear Sir/Maam,

Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am (your name) working in your company as a (your work position). I am writing to give a formal notice. That I will be leaving your company on 12/12/2020 for another work.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities to work with you in your company and the professional development that you have provided for the past four years. I enjoy to this work and I get an wonderful experience for such a great company.

Thank you for all your guidance. I wish you all the best, look forward and keeping in touch.

Yours Sincerely
(Your Name)

Resignation Letter Sample

Here we give a sample of write a resignation letter.


Joseph Q. Stranger
123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12356

December 10,2020

Dyen Smith
Senior Manager
Stranger Garments Center
123 Business Rd.
Business City, JN 55224

Dear Mr. Smith

It is with regret that I am writing this letter to let you know that I will leave my employment with your company. I am resigning from my position as a consultant for some personal reason. My last day will be 12/12/2020. I am very sorry to leave you and this lovable company.

I have enjoyed my work here and also the memorable days. That will make me happy anytime, anywhere. I am very sorry that I am forced to finish this company so quickly.

Thank you for your encouragement that you provide me in the last three years and also thank you for the whole thing. I wish you all the best and keep in touch with each other.

Yours Sincerely,
Joseph Q. Stranger

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