write a letter to the librarian of your school requesting him to issue a duplicate library card
write a letter to the librarian of your school requesting him to issue a duplicate library card in your favour.this letter will help you to write a letter librarian of your school requesting him to issue a duplicate library card
books can make our life easy. It does not only help us to pass our exam, it actually cultivates our mind emotionally and physically, so you should read more books. You are depressed, read books, you are also very joyful, read a book. reading habits can change your perception.even if you have enough money to buy lots of books, still go get a library card and be a regular visitor. In the library, you can find many types of books and many interesting readers. All together finally this habit will make you a better mature person.
So today’s letter is a very important one, suppose you lost your library card, identity card or any kind of important card. Now you have to write a letter to the official, requesting to issue a new one in your favor. This type of problem generally happened to all of us anytime, so use this letter as a reference and make changes according to your condition. I wrote this letter on Request for issue of the duplicate library card, but as I say you can use it as a reference according to your preference.
The Librarian,
kurpai high school (H.S)
Sub: Request for issue of duplicate library card
With due respect, I, a student of kurpai high school (H.S), would like to inform you that yesterday, while returning home from school, I lost my school bag. My library card was also inside the school bag. The card was issued in the month of June when I enrolled as a student of Class Xll.
Yesterday, l lodged an FIR at the local police station reporting the loss of the bag and all the articles within. A photocopy of the FIR is enclosed here with for your perusal.
Now, I earnestly request you to issue a duplicate library card in my favour so that I can use our resourceful school library for my study.
Yours obediently,
Subhadeep maiti
Class-xII, Sec. A
Roll No. 15
I hope this letter will help you regarding your issue of duplicate library card.