Android Studio TextSwitcher using kotlin Language

Hello android developer in this article I will tell you how to use android TextSwitcher programmatically in kotlin in the android application. Android TextSwitcher is a widget that contains multiple text and Displays once at a time. follow our post to switch texts from an array.

Create a TextSwitcher Android app using Kotlin language.

Let’s start with a new project in Android Studio by following below steps. if you already create new project then ignore this steps.

Step 1 : open your android studio and then click on start new Android Studio project.

Step 2 : Now select Empty Activity under the Phone and Table tab and click Next button.

Step 3: Write your project name and select kotlin language. leave other fields as it is, then click on finish button.

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For this TextSwitcher app we require some elements.
  • Button
  • TextSwitcher

by default it will open MainActivity.kt and activity_main.xml file. for front end .xml file for back end .kt file.

Now first Open res/layout/activity_main.xml file. and copy our xml codes from the below and add it to the  Activity_main.xml file in your project.


we design basic user interface. now write some code to the MainActivity.kt so this application work. for that open the MainActivity.kt file (src -> package -> MainActivity.kt) in MainActivity.kt and copy and past the backend TextSwitcher code.


Congratulations! You have completed your basic TextSwitcher app using kotlin language. Now Run the app using the emulator. you will get output as shown below.

android textswitcher kotlin
android studio textswitcher kotlin

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