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write a letter to the Proudhon of your gram panchayat requesting him/her to make necessary arrangement to sink a tubewell in your locality

write a letter to the Proudhon of your gram panchayat requesting him/her to make necessary arrangement to sink a tubewell in your locality. water is life, without water our life is miserable. In many places in our country, peoples don’t get clean drinkable water. In some area, they get drinking water only 2 times a day. Nowadays water scarcity has become a great threat to us. We know how in some localities people have to face extreme hardship in order to get fresh drinking water. If the tubewell in your place is very old, it can pump up dirty water which can lead to many serious diseases so be aware of it. So I hope this letter would help you to notify your Gram Prodhan about your problem so that he/she may take a necessary arrangement to shink a tubewell in your locality. Though this letter is about Request for sinking a new tubewell, but you can take advantage of this letter to get any benefit.
May 2, 2014

The Prodhan,
Sahapur Gram Panchayat,
Popara Sahapur, Birbhum

Sub: Request for sinking a new tubewell

On behalf of the residents of Malpara, Sahapur, I would like to draw your attention to the great hardship of residents who are in want of fresh drinking water. People of this area are compelled to walk for ten to fifteen minutes to reach the nearest tubewell at Schoolpara. As many people flock to one tubewell, sometimes they need to wait for their turn in the queue. During the hot days of summer, the problem becomes so acute that people often fight for water. The scarcity of drinking water causes much suffering to the common people. The only remedy lies in sinking a new tubewell in the heart of Malpara.
In these circumstances, I earnestly request you to make necessary arrangement for sinking a new tubeweli for the people of Malpara. Otherwise, at any moment, they may burst into louder protest on this burning issue.

Yours faithfully,
Subhdeep Maiti

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