Expandable List View code snippet for Android Studio

Welcome. Here in this post, you will learn about the expandable list view in Android Studio.

Expandable List View code Example for Android Studio

An expandable list view is a type of vertical list view that displays in a two level vertically scrolling list. It is however different from a list view because it has two levels that are groups which has its individual child items that can be either collapsed or expanded.

Adding an expandable list view in your App

  • First Create a new project in Android Studio
  • File ⇒ New Android ⇒ Application Project
  • Then Open src -> package -> MainActivity.java and then add following code :

JAVA (MainActivity.java)

  •  Now Open res -> layout -> activity_main.xml and then add following code :

XML (activity_main.xml)


Finally, run this project.

This is how Expandable List View code snippet for Android Studio

Expandable List View code Expandable List View code Expandable List View code

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